Iowa Army National Guard Aviation
Events in January 2025
Flying in? use these airports
Des Moines international Airport
Boone Municipal Airport
Ankeny Regional Airport
Need a way to get around, you will find the below links helpful.
We do not endorse any specific name or brand of hotels, but for your convenience we have listed a few hotels in Johnston, Urbandale, and Des Moines, located within 10 minutes of Camp Dodge.
Per Diem rates per, and accepted when available.
Iowa Army National Guard Aviation is proud to be the first National Guard organization to receive the Black Hawk Aircrew Trainer, or BAT. We look forward to your visit, and if there is anything we can do to make it better please let us know!
If you require specialized training (NVG, CBRNE, or other items not listed), let us know by submitting this form. Please indicate the training you want to accomplish, so we have the necessary equipment/ academics ready upon your arrival.
Flying in, and in need of maintenance support, submit this form for approval.
Give us a shout, over the phone or via email.
Primary Scheduling Information
Commercial: (515) 727-3076
DSN: 431-3076
Email: BAT Scheduling