Army education & incentives office
At the Education Service Center we connect soldiers of the Iowa National Guard to the education and incentive opportunities available due to their service.
Follow us for the most current events and information.
Help Desk:
(515) 252-4468
Camp Dodge, Bldg. 3586, 7105 NW 70th Avenue, Johnston, Iowa 50131-1824
ArmyIgnited – Federal Tuition and Credentialing Assistance
Fed TA (Tuition Assistance)
Provides up to $250 per credit hour (18 semester hours per year)paid toward obtaining their first bachelor’s degree and/or their first master’s degree to eligible Iowa National Guard Soldiers. Apply on ArmyIgnitED.
IMPORTANT STEPS in ArmyIgnitED prior to approved assistance:
- Complete ArmyIgnitED 101 Training 20240927 – YouTube
- Log into ArmyIgnitED and submit a help desk ticket, stating “I have completed ArmyIgnitED 101 training on MM/DD/YYYY”
- In ArmyIgnitED, create an Education Goal and upload your personal degree plan.
- Submit a separate funding request for Tuition Assistance, 60-8 days PRIOR TO EACH CLASS
Fed CA (Credentialing Assistance)
CA provides up to $2,000 per FY to complete credentials and certification to eligible Iowa Army National Guard Soldiers through ArmyIgnitED. Limitations apply toward flight school certification and using Fed TA in the same year. Approved certifications listed on Army COOL and apply on ArmyIgnitED.
Who to contact:
- Current member of the Iowa Army National Guard: help desk in ArmyIgnitED or (515)252-4468 IA.ARNG.ESC@army.mil
- Non-member of Iowa Army National Guard: contact your local recruiter.
*More details regarding Fed TA and CA policies and procedures can be found on ArmyIgnitedED.
Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship (INGSS)
The State TA (Tuition Assistance) program through INGSS is available for Iowa National Guard Soldiers and Airmen. The State TA can cover tuition costs exceeding the FED TA allowance. As well as be used with the service member’s GI Bill.
Application Open and Dealine
- Oct 1st to July 1st – upcoming school year (fall and spring)
- July 2nd to Dec 1st – spring only
Application Process
Complete following applications, prior to above deadline:
Exception to Policy
Who to contact:
- Current member of the Iowa Army National Guard: help desk in ArmyIgnitED or (515)252-4468 IA.ARNG.ESC@army.mil
- Non-member of Iowa Army National Guard: contact your local recruiter.
Eligible service member: must be resident of Iowa serving in good standing as M-day in Iowa National Guard, satisfactory completion of IET, has not earned a bachelor’s degree, not exceeded State TA usage, properly applied, and maintains attendance and academic progress in an Iowa-based education institution. See TAG POLICY for further details.
G.I. Bill Programs
GI Bill benefits help you pay for college, graduate school, and training programs. Since 1944, the GI Bill has helped qualifying Veterans and their family members get money to cover all or some of the costs for school or training. GI Bills programs have expanded since their inception and making sense of program eligibility can be confusing. Learn more about GI Bill benefits at https://www.va.gov, by viewing our additional information area, or by contacting our office.
MGIB-SR Chapter 1606 (Selective Reserve)
- Six-year enlistment contract or Officer Service Agreement
- High school diploma or equivalent
- Initial Active Duty for Training or Basic Officer Leadership Course
- Over $450 a month for fulltime see rates based on partial enrollment
- Can be combined with Fed TA
- Can be used for college or non-college degree plan as well as Apprenticeship/OJT
- Verify 1606 eligibility, 515-252-4468 or IA.ARNG.ESC@army.mil
- Submit application and receive Certificate of Eligibility
- Deliver Certificate of Eligibility to your school’s VA certifying official
- Each month verify continued enrollment
Post 9/11 Chapter 33 (qualifying Active Duty)
- Aggregate of 90 days active duty see Education Service Office for eligibility
- Tuition, books, and supply stipend, and monthly housing allowance. Rates vary based on service status and amount of qualifying service.
- Apply online www.va.gov and receive Certificate of Eligibility
- Deliver Certificate of Eligibility to your school’s VA certifying official
- Verify monthly continued enrollment, VA Education Call Center 1-888-GI BILL-1
How to Apply for GI Bill Benefits
Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB)
Who to contact:
- Current member of the Iowa Army National Guard: (515)252-4468 IA.ARNG.ESC@army.mil
- Non-member of Iowa Army National Guard:
- Va Education Call Center 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)
*More details regarding GI Bill programs policies and procedures can be found on Education and Training Home (Va.gov)
Student Loan Repayment
The Iowa Army National Guard offers a variety of incentives designed to attract and retain talented people into our organization. Loan Repayment Programs are among those incentives. Program details and availability are subject to change at any time.
Pre-existing student loans in good standing can be reviewed for inclusion into a loan repayment incentive for qualifying Soldiers, Health Professionals, and Chaplain Candidates.
Please read your contract and understand your requirements as a LRP recipient, and map out when to request your payments.
Information – Iowa SLRP Tax Exemption
Information – Public Service Loan Forgiveness
WHO TO CONTACT: Considering joining the Iowa Army National Guard? Your local recruiter can assist you!
Current members of the Iowa Army National Guard should contact their unit full time staff or Battalion Retention NCO to learn what incentive options are available. Unit personnel or the Education Services Office Chaplain or Health Professional LRP questions should be directed to the specialty branch NCOIC at (515) 252-4683.
Other Resources
Education Programs and Services
College Planning and Assistance
Academic Institutions: We’d love for you to visit with our Soldiers and provide an informational brief, but there are certain steps we must take to protect your DoD MOU status.
- The Iowa Army National Guard Education Services Office must verify your status and approve your visit to any Iowa Army National Guard assembly.
- Approval to attend by the unit or event coordinator does not imply Education Services Office approval. They can occur in any order, but the installation access request must be specific to the date/time/location of the event/unit activity.
- Please call with questions! We appreciate your desire to speak with our Soldiers and want to make this process easy for you!
- Installation Access Request Form
Testing Center
Army Personnel Testing (APT) Testing Site 1123
The program is a testing system encompassing standardized tests to determine the eligibility for specialized training and to support the Army’s personnel selection and classification process, including language proficiency testing and flight aptitude.
Testing Application Process
- Soldier requests test through their Commander.
- Commander forwards request with appropriate DA 4187 to test site.
- Once all requirements are met, testing site schedules soldier.
Types of Tests:
Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT)
- Taken to increase line scores.
- can be taken a maximum of every 6 months without a waiver.
Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT)
- used for selection into initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) program.
- must have 110 GT.
- may only be taken twice (minimum of 45 days between)
Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB)
- determine aptitude for learning language.
- used for applying for language training and specialized MOSs
Defense Proficiency Test (DLPT)
- evaluates reading and listening language proficiency.
- used to add language identifier to MOS.
- used to add foreign incentive language pay (FLIP).
- must take every 12 months.
- linguist must meet language immersion requirement.
Oral Proficiency (OP) coming soon!
- tests verbal language proficiency
- oral proficiency
Pearson Vue
- CompTIA, NREMT, and PMP
Basic Skill Education Program (BSEP)
Looking to increase your GT score for an MOS change or to apply for Warrant Officer School?
- BSEP is a proven program for raising GT scores.
- it is an intensive 1-week program.
- after completion immediate retake of AFCT.
Who to contact:
- Current member of the Iowa Army National Guard: (515)252-4468 IA.ARNG.ESC@army.mil
- Non-member of Iowa Army National Guard: Va Education Call Center 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)
The Iowa Army National Guard (IAARG) strives to retain and recruit soldiers, who are foundational to our mission. IAARNG retention program is based on the foundation of command involvement in the retention process at ALL levels, from soldier to senior command. We engage soldiers throughout their career s through career counseling, incentives, and family assistance.
Selected Reserve Incentive Program
Fiscal Year 2024
The Iowa National Guard offers a variety of bonuses and the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) to soldiers looking to enlist and reenlist. The bonus amount is dependent on the fiscal year policy published at the beginning of each fiscal year. For FY 24, soldiers have the following options:
· Non-Prior Service Enlistment Bonus
· Prior Service Enlistment Bonus
· Reenlistment Bonus
· MOS Conversion Bonus
· Enlisted Affiliation Bonuses
· Blended Retirement System – Continuation Pay
· Student Loan Repayment Program
· Chaplain Loan Repayment Program
To verify if you meet eligibility for any of the incentives listed above, please contact your recruiter or your Unit Career Counselor (UCC).
Contact your UCC first if you have not received your bonus installment. If you need further assistance, you can contact our office at 515-252-4468 if your payment is over 60 days past due. Be prepared to provide your full name, social security number, call back number and the type of incentive you are inquiring about.
Your Iowa National Guard Soldier’s Guide has the most up-to-date bonus options and amounts as well as the most common reasons for suspension and termination.
Missing Payments
· The first step is to contact your Unit Career Counselor (UCC).
· If you have not gotten a response from your UCC and your payment is 60 days past due, you can reach out to our office at 515-252-4468. When calling
our office, please be prepared with the following: full name, call back number, type of bonus, full Social Security Number (do not leave SSN on voicemail).
Student Loan Repayment
The Iowa Army National Guard offers a variety of incentives designed to attract and retain talented people into our organization, including the Student Loan Repayment programs are among those incentives. Program details and availability are subject to change at any time.
Pre-existing student loans in good standing can be reviewed for inclusion into a loan repayment incentive for qualifying Soldiers, Health Professionals, and Chaplain Candidates.
The Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) is offered as an enlistment incentive for Non-Prior Service and Prior Service enlistees. It is also offered as a retention incentive to current Army National Guard soldiers. If you have already incurred a student loan obligation – or plan to – the Army National Guard can help you repay up to $50,000 of your student loan. Qualifying loans are described below.
Category-specific Eligibility:
Non-Prior Service
· Score 50 or higher on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
· Must contract into a valid critical skill vacancy for either a 6 year or an 8 year service period.
· OCS Candidates must have 90+ semester credits and enlist for a minimum 6 year service period to eligible.
· Non-Prior Service applicants must be fully qualified in their duty position prior to payment.
Prior Service
Prior Service applicants must enlist DMOSQ in a valid critical skill vacancy for 6 years to be eligible.
· Must be E-7 or below and have less than 16 years TIS at contract start date.
· Must not previously received SLRP in his or her military career.
· Must have received an Honorable discharge or release at the conclusion of all periods of military service.
· OCS Candidates must have at least 90 semester credits to eligible for the SLRP.
Current Army National Guard
· Must be E-7 or below and must have less than 16 years TIS at contract start date.
· Soldiers must reenlist/extend within 365-1 days of current ETS for a minimum term of 6 years.
· Soldiers must be DMOSQ in a MOS that matches the military grade commensurate with the position for which reenlisting/extending.
· Any period of extension of less than 6 years will terminate SLRP eligibility.
General Eligibility Criteria
· The applicant or Soldier must have one or more qualifying, disbursed loans in his/her own name at the time of enlistment/reenlistment/extension.
· The maximum annual payment is 15 percent of the eligible principle(s) or $500.00, whichever is greater, plus the amount of any eligible interest that has accrued.
· Payments are capped at $7500.00 annually.
· Loans disbursed after the date of enlistment/reenlistment/extension are not eligible for repayment unless the Soldier is reenlisting/extending for a period of not less than 6 years in the Army National Guard without a break in service from the original SLRP contract start date.
· Enlisted Soldiers receiving SLRP will remain eligible while attending Officer Candidate School (OCS) or Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) or after contracting into the ROTC/SMP programs.
· Soldiers can also remain eligible upon commissioning or appointment, subject to the original restriction that their loan will be paid within the same period established in their original enlistment documents.
Qualifying Loans
· The applicant or Soldier must have one or more qualifying and disbursed Title IV Federal loan(s) not in default at the time of enlistment or reenlistment/extension. However, applicants may select the SLRP incentive even though they have no outstanding loan(s) when signing the contractual agreement.
· The loan(s) must be listed on the Department of Education National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Aid Summary website sheet at nslds.ed.gov/npas.
· Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loan[s]) are eligible for repayment as long as the applicant is the borrower and the loan(s) are in the applicant’s name.
· State and private loans are not eligible for repayment under the SLRP program
· Please read your contract and understand your requirements as an SLRP recipient.
Who to contact
· Unit full time staff or Battalion Retention NCO.
The Army National Guard Chaplain Loan Repayment Program (CLRP) is offered for the purpose of maintaining adequate numbers of qualified chaplains within the National Guard. The maximum amount of the CLRP is limited to $80,000 ($20K for each 3-year period of obligation) and covers the loan’s principle, interest, and related expenses. The maximum annual payment made to eligible participants under the CLRP may not exceed $6,666 for each year of the incentive term.
Eligibility Criteria:
Currently hold, and be fully qualified for, an appointment as a Chaplain in the Army National Guard. The Chaplain must agree to a minimum 3-year term of service. Must possess outstanding educational loans secured on or after 1 October 1975, in accordance with USC Title 10, Section 16303. These loans must have been for education regarding a basic professional qualifying degree (post baccalaureate), or graduate education resulting in a Masters of Divinity Degree or equivalent. All degrees must be obtained from an accredited theological seminary as listed in the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) handbook and/or an accredited institution listed within a National Faith-Related Accrediting Organization in the CHEA Recognized Organizations’ Directory. Individuals enrolled in the Chaplain Candidate Program are NOT eligible to participate in the CLRP. State and private loans are not eligible for repayment under the CLRP program.
Who to contact: Battalion Retention NCO
· Specialty branch NCOIC
Army Medical Department (AMEDD) officers in the Medical and Dental Corps can receive the Healthcare Professionals Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) – up to $240,000 for certain
specialties – by agreeing to a six-year service commitment with the Guard ($40,000 per year, with a $240,000 lifetime cap).
Physicians Assistants, Physical Therapist, Social Workers, and Clinical Psychologists may qualify for loan repayments up to $25,000 per year with a $75,000 lifetime cap.
Who to contact
· Specialty branch NCOIC
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data. Access the NSLDS at 1-800-4-FED-AID or nslds.ed.gov/npas.