Iowa National guard chaplain corps

The Iowa National Guard Chaplain Corps’ mission is to build Army spiritual readiness to deploy, fight, and win our Nation’s wars, by providing reliable and relevant world-class religious support, as a unique element of the Army that is fully engaged across the full spectrum of conflict.The Chaplain Corps cares for the soul of the Army, by ensuring the constitutionally-mandated free exercise of religion, by delivering spiritual and religious care directly to Service Members, their families, and Army Civilians, and by providing moral leadership. The Corps does this best when its Chaplains embrace their unique identity as both professional military religious leaders with distinctive ecclesiastical endorsements, and professional military religious staff advisors with specialized education, training, and experience.Our motto:“Nurture the living, Care for the wounded, Honor the fallen”


Office: (515) 252-4189Cell: (515) 360-2808





JFHQ (ATTN: CH Lucas Murphy)
6100 NW 78th AVEJohnston, IA 50131

Please contact Range Facility Management Support System (RFMSS)