Warrior & Family Services branch

Warrior & Family Services branch
Providing resources, responsive support, and resiliency skills to the Warriors and Families of the Iowa National Guard.
Resources Available:
- MRT Resource Center (https://armyfit.army.mil)
- Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1-800-273-TALK (8225) - Military & Family Life Counselor:
571-456-2771 - Iowa National Guard Resource Line:
Program Description
Resilience training is used to increase and promote positive behaviors and protective factors that lead to sustained personal readiness and resiliency through training and education. Resilience training enables Soldiers, Army Civilians, and Family members to leverage intellectual and emotional skills and behaviors, promoting enhanced performance that optimizes long-term health and deployment readiness.
Suicide Prevention Program is to support the Army’s goal to minimize suicide behaviors by reducing the risk of suicide among Soldiers, Army Civilians, and Family members. Trainings are focused on early identification and intervention strategies. The programs are designed to increase the overall health and readiness of each Soldier.
Mission: To provide relevant resourcing, responsive support and resiliency skills to the Soldiers and Families of the Iowa National Guard.
Purpose: To prepare and empower our Total Military Family to meet the challenges of military and civilian life.
- Commander’s advisor on unit’s Family Readiness Group
- Provide training, resources, hands-on assistance and education
- Serve as the conduit for command information pertaining to Family Readiness
- Provide Essential Services
Essential Services:
Crisis Intervention
Legal Resource/Information
Financial Resource/Information
TRICARE Resource/Information
ID Cards and DEERS Information
Emergency Family Assistance Center
Exceptional Family Member Program
Community Resource/Information
Mission: Ensure the seamless transition for Survivors from the initial support provided by the Army Casualty Assistance Officer to long-term, ongoing referral assistance. Our services are regional and available at locations closest to the Survivor’s current residence. Although SOS is an Army program, any Survivor requesting help will be assisted.
Purpose: Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Support Coordinators provide Military Survivors with social and emotional support and help navigate the benefits process.
Example of Assistance Available:
- Liaison to DoD agencies & benefits coordination such as Defense health agency and Defense Finance & Accounting Services
- Liaison with non-Federal agencies, such as Tragedy Assistance for Survivors, Gold Star Wives, Gold Star Mothers & Gold Star Fathers
- Milestone Managements, such as changes in benefits, entitlements, financial stability and recertification of enrollment of children in full-time education
- Outreach events, bereavement team support, life skills and resiliency education, financial counseling, estate planning, monthly newsletters
- Referrals to grief counseling & specialized support groups, community resources, State Agencies, and government and nongovernmental organizations, such as Military OneSource and the US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Annual outreach to Survivors in order to keep them connected to the Army Family and provide updated information about the benefits
The Iowa Army National Guard Child and Youth Program has empowered military connected youth by ensuring a positive and lasting impact through the access of resources and opportunities for all to learn, grow and thrive.
Military-Connected Youth in Iowa: 9,882
Military Youth Connected specifically to the Iowa Army and Air National Guard: 6,001
National ARNG Child & Youth Website (iowacyp.com)
Army National Guard Child & Youth Program (arngcys.com)
For more information contact ng.ia.iaarng.list.cyp@mail.mil or iaarngcyp@gmail.com.
The purpose of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) is to provide support, resources, and a sense of encouragement for Soldiers and their Families to assist them in achieving a successful deployment cycle. This assistance is provided by creating unique and memorable experiences that coincide with each stage of the deployment journey.
As Soldiers and Families anticipate extended separation we want them to be and feel prepared. We support deployment preparedness by ensuring they are made aware of vital information and resources to help them throughout the deployment process.
The experience during the deployment changes to one focused more on support and connectedness so that Families don’t feel they are enduring the deployment alone while also preparing them for the inevitable reintegration.
Upon the Soldiers’ return, the focus shifts to the reintegration of the Soldier to the Family unit and assists them as they resume family life and normalize adjusted routines.
For more information please contact ng.ia.iaarng.list.yellow-ribbon-team@mail.mil.
Solider Family Readiness Specialists
- Council Bluffs: (712) 325-1218 X18204
- Waterloo: (515) 331-5589
- Iowa City: (319) 337-9573 x19012
- Sioux City: (712) 252-4347 x18030
- Boone: (515) 727-3629
- Davenport: (563) 391-6441 x19221
- JFHQ: (515) 334-2742
- Camp Dodge:
(515) 331-5842
(515) 252-4192
(515) 252-4758
(515) 334-2757
Personal Financial Counselors
Sioux City:
(712) 422-0118Camp Dodge:
(319) 660-0619Eastern Iowa:
(319) 533-6021
Resources Available:
- MRT Resource Center (https://armyfit.army.mil)
- Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1-800-273-TALK (8225) - Military & Family Life Counselor:
571-456-2771 - Iowa National Guard Resource Line:
Program Description
Resilience training is used to increase and promote positive behaviors and protective factors that lead to sustained personal readiness and resiliency through training and education. Resilience training enables Soldiers, Army Civilians, and Family members to leverage intellectual and emotional skills and behaviors, promoting enhanced performance that optimizes long-term health and deployment readiness.
Suicide Prevention Program is to support the Army’s goal to minimize suicide behaviors by reducing the risk of suicide among Soldiers, Army Civilians, and Family members. Trainings are focused on early identification and intervention strategies. The programs are designed to increase the overall health and readiness of each Soldier.
Mission: To provide relevant resourcing, responsive support and resiliency skills to the Soldiers and Families of the Iowa National Guard.
Purpose: To prepare and empower our Total Military Family to meet the challenges of military and civilian life.
- Commander’s advisor on unit’s Family Readiness Group
- Provide training, resources, hands-on assistance and education
- Serve as the conduit for command information pertaining to Family Readiness
- Provide Essential Services
Essential Services:
Crisis Intervention
Legal Resource/Information
Financial Resource/Information
TRICARE Resource/Information
ID Cards and DEERS Information
Emergency Family Assistance Center
Exceptional Family Member Program
Community Resource/Information
Mission: Ensure the seamless transition for Survivors from the initial support provided by the Army Casualty Assistance Officer to long-term, ongoing referral assistance. Our services are regional and available at locations closest to the Survivor’s current residence. Although SOS is an Army program, any Survivor requesting help will be assisted.
Purpose: Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Support Coordinators provide Military Survivors with social and emotional support and help navigate the benefits process.
Example of Assistance Available:
- Liaison to DoD agencies & benefits coordination such as Defense health agency and Defense Finance & Accounting Services
- Liaison with non-Federal agencies, such as Tragedy Assistance for Survivors, Gold Star Wives, Gold Star Mothers & Gold Star Fathers
- Milestone Managements, such as changes in benefits, entitlements, financial stability and recertification of enrollment of children in full-time education
- Outreach events, bereavement team support, life skills and resiliency education, financial counseling, estate planning, monthly newsletters
- Referrals to grief counseling & specialized support groups, community resources, State Agencies, and government and nongovernmental organizations, such as Military OneSource and the US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Annual outreach to Survivors in order to keep them connected to the Army Family and provide updated information about the benefits
The Iowa Army National Guard Child and Youth Program has empowered military connected youth by ensuring a positive and lasting impact through the access of resources and opportunities for all to learn, grow and thrive.
Military-Connected Youth in Iowa: 9,882
Military Youth Connected specifically to the Iowa Army and Air National Guard: 6,001
National ARNG Child & Youth Website (iowacyp.com)
Army National Guard Child & Youth Program (arngcys.com)
For more information contact ng.ia.iaarng.list.cyp@mail.mil or iaarngcyp@gmail.com.
The purpose of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) is to provide support, resources, and a sense of encouragement for Soldiers and their Families to assist them in achieving a successful deployment cycle. This assistance is provided by creating unique and memorable experiences that coincide with each stage of the deployment journey.
As Soldiers and Families anticipate extended separation we want them to be and feel prepared. We support deployment preparedness by ensuring they are made aware of vital information and resources to help them throughout the deployment process.
The experience during the deployment changes to one focused more on support and connectedness so that Families don’t feel they are enduring the deployment alone while also preparing them for the inevitable reintegration.
Upon the Soldiers’ return, the focus shifts to the reintegration of the Soldier to the Family unit and assists them as they resume family life and normalize adjusted routines.
For more information please contact ng.ia.iaarng.list.yellow-ribbon-team@mail.mil.