Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Office
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Office
The Iowa Army National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office promotes military readiness by eliminating sexual assault and ensuring excellence in victim advocacy and prevention efforts through the execution of SAPR policy, planning, and oversight across the Iowa Guard.
Location and Hours:
JFHQ – Office 186 -Warrior Family Suite
SAPR Office (1st door to the right)
0800 – 1600
7105 NW 70th Street
Johnston, Iowa 50131
Contact Information:
SARC Office: 515-443-2346
SARC Cell: 515-473-4355
Victim Advocate Coordinator Office: 515-252-4480
Victim Advocate Coordinator Cell: 515-240-9867
24/7 Support Hotline:
24/7 DoD Safe Helpline:
Phone: 877-955-5247
Text* 55-247 (Inside the U.S.)
202-470-5546 (Outside the U.S.)
- Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence: (515) 244-8028
-Or- find the nearest agency at www.icadv.org/#!services-in-iowa/cktc - Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (515) 244-7424
-Or- find the nearest agency at http://www.iowacasa.org/#!ia-sa-programs/cpvl - Iowa Attorney General Crime Victims Unit (515) 281-5044
- Iowa Victim Service Call Center: 1-800-770-1650or text IOWAHELP to 20121
- Iowa Legal Aid: 1-800-532-1275
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN):
- Get to a safe location. Do not shower, change clothes, brush your teeth, or wash your hands.
- If severely injured: For Non-restricted option call 911 and a SARC/ For Restricted option contact 24/7 Hotline: 515-252-4393
- Ensure you have a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (S.A.F.E.) conducted.